The child’s age should be between six weeks and 12 years. A facility tour with the director is required to understand policies. The child must visit the classroom and peers. Nonrefundable registration fees are to be paid, along with submission of necessary documents. A health certificate signed by a physician, containing immunization records and a physical examination, is mandatory and should be updated annually. Tuition and applicable late fees must be paid through autopay. An orientation meeting with the director is needed after paperwork submission, involving a 45-minute review of documents.
1. A non-refundable $50.00 registration fee is required with your application. In addition two weeks security is required to reserve your child’s spot. The security deposit is used for your child’s last two weeks tuition, providing proper advance notification has been given.
2. Tuition is paid weekly and is due each Friday for the following week. A late fee of $20.00 will be added if payment is not received by Monday morning. If tuition is not paid by Wednesday, we will apply your security deposit to your balance and fill your child’s spot.
3. No deductions will be made for absences without a doctor’s note. Our budget is based on a certain number of children since the center spaces are limited in size. Each child enrolled has a reserved place, which cannot be taken by another student. The center expenses continue regardless of whether or not your child is in attendance every day.
4. If you plan an extended vacation you must give advance notification (two weeks) of the dates that the child will not be attending and a return date. There is a limit of a two-week vacation (10 days) per year. These two weeks must be taken in 5-day increments.
5. There will be a $35.00 charge for all returned checks. This payment is due and payable on the following Friday of notification. After the second returned check will no longer accept your checks.
6. All personal belongings must be labeled with your child’s full name.
7. “Heartfelt Childcare Center” reserves the right to dismiss any student for misconduct or destruction of school property. Parents will be notified in writing of any unacceptable behavior. There will be three warnings. If there is no improvement the child will be dismissed. Unacceptable behavior includes but no exclusive to, biting, purposely hurting another child or teacher, not following rules and endangering their own or another students well being.
8. If your child displays any signs of illness you must keep them at home. In the event of fever please keep your child home for at least 24 hours after there is no sign of fever. If your child is sent home from the center due to illness, you must keep them home for at least one day to be sure they are healthy. In the event of prolonged illness or if your child has contracted a contagious disease, please notify us at once. Parents will be notified if reports are received on contagious diseases in order to be aware of the signs.
9. For the well being of your children we request that children are not in attendance for more than 10 hours in one day.
10. If you are withdrawing from our program, you must give 2 weeks notice. If your child does not attend for the last two weeks payment is still expected.
11. A late pick up fee will be charged as follows:
a. Children attending more than 10 hours will be charged an additional $5.00 per half-hour.
b. A late pick up fee is $2.00 per minute after scheduled pick up time.
12. The parent provides breakfast and lunch. If provided by the center there will be a $3.00 per meal charge.
13. The parent provides diapers. If provided by the center there will be a $2.00 per diaper charge.
14. All checks are to be made payable to:
“Heartfelt Childcare Center”
To make all of our lives easier I hope the rules are not overwhelming but clear and concise. If not please ask the director for clarification.
• To be licensed, our center must comply with the Manual of Requirements for ChildCare Centers (the official licensing regulations). The regulations cover such areas as: physical/life safety: staff qualifications, supervision and staff/child ratios; program activities and equipment; health, food and nutrition; rest and sleep requirements; parent/community participation; administration and record keeping requirements; and others.
• Our center must have on the premises a copy of the Manual of Requirements and make it available to interested parents for review. If you would like to review our copy, just ask the director. Parents may secure a copy of the Manual of Requirements for Child Care Centers, for a nominal fee, by writing to the Bureau of Licensing. Division of Youth and Family Services, Licensing Publication Fees, PO Box 18500, Newark, NJ 07191.
• We encourage parents to discuss with us any questions or concerns about the policies and program of the center or the meaning, application or alleged violations of the Manual of Requirements for Child Care Centers. We will be happy to arrange a convenient opportunity for you to review and discuss these matters with us. If you suspect our center may be in violation of licensing standards, you are entitled to report them to the Bureau of Licensing at (609) 292-1021. Of course, we would appreciate your bringing these concerns to our attention, too.
• Our center must have a policy concerning the release of children to parents or people authorized by parents to be responsible for the child. Please discuss with us your plans for your child’s departure from the center.
• Our center must have a policy about dispensing medicine and the management of communicable diseases. Please talk to us about these policies so we can work together to keep children healthy.
• Parents are entitled to review the center’s copy of the Bureau of Licensing’s Inspection/Violation Reports on the center, which are issued after every State licensing inspection of our center. If there is a licensing complaint investigation, you are also entitled to review the Bureau’s Complaint Investigation Summary Report, as well as any letters of enforcement or other actions taken against the center during the current licensing period. Let us know if you wish to review them and we will make them available for your review.
• If there is a licensing complaint investigation, you are also entitled to review the Bureau’s Complaint Investigation Summary Report, as well as any letters of enforcement or other actions taken against the center during the current licensing period. Let us know if you wish to review them and we will make them available for your review.
• Our center must cooperate with all DYFS inspection/investigations. DYFS staff may interview both staff members and children.
• Our center must post its written statement of philosophy on child discipline in a prominent location and make a copy of it available to parents upon request. We encourage you to review it and to discuss with us any questions you may have about it.
• Our center must offer parents of enrolled children ample opportunity to participate in and observe the activities of the center. Parent wishing to participate in the activities or operations of the center should discuss their interest with the center director, who can advise them of what opportunities are available.
• Parents of enrolled children may visit our center at any time without having to secure prior approval from the director or any staff member. Please feel free to do so when you can. We welcome visits from our parents.
• Our center must inform parents in advance of every field trip, outing or special event away from the center, and must obtain prior written consent from parent before taking a child on each such trip.
• Anyone who has reasonable cause to believe that an enrolled child has been or is being subjected to any form of hitting, corporal punishment, abusive language, ridicule, harsh, humiliating or frightening treatment, or any other kind of child abuse, neglect, or exploitation by any adult, whether working at the center or not, is required by State law to report the concern immediately to the Division of Youth and Family Services’ Office of Child Abuse Control, Toll Free at : 1-800-792-8610, or to any DYFS District Office. Such reports may be made anonymously.
• Parents may secure information about child abuse and neglect by contacting: Community Education Office, Division of Youth and Family Services, PO Box 717, Trenton, NJ 08625-0717.
Up-to-date immunization records and a certificate of good health, signed by a physician, are required at the time your child is admitted and on an annual basis thereafter. (A form will be provided).
After an absence for sickness, children will be readmitted in accordance with the following re-admittance checklist. By state law and absence of more than five days requires a doctor’s statement.
Fever Fever free for 24 hours without use of aspirin or aspirin substitutes.
Diarrhea May return 24 hours after diarrhea has stopped.
Vomiting May return 24 hours after diarrhea has stopped.
Pink Eye May be readmitted after drops has been applied a minimum of 3 times.
Rash May be readmitted with doctor’s note when the rash is gone.
If a child contracts a contagious disease, please report it to us immediately! The child cannot return to the center without a doctor’s note stating that the child is no longer contagious.
It is our wish that all our children stay healthy. Although we understand it is difficult to take off from work, the sooner we contain an illness the fewer children will contract it. With this in mind we ask all our parents to respect our health requirements.
1. We will offer your child a healthy, safe, stimulating environment every day.
2. We will treat your child with kindness and respect.
3. We will listen to your child’s needs and do our best to accommodate them.
4. We will communicate with you about your child’s day.
5. We welcome you to visit at any time and share part of your child’s day.
6. We will notify you immediately if your child is seriously injured or at the end of the day if the injury is not serious.
7. We will encourage your child to become a secure, emotionally stable, social human being.
8. We will never touch your child in anger or humiliate or degrade your child.
9. We will treat your child as if they were our own.
10. We will make every effort to make you feel welcome and a part of your child’s day. We welcome you to share any talents you have with the children, come and read a book, share a craft, or help at parties. Please feel free to volunteer at any time.
• We at Heartfelt Childcare Center believe in positive reinforcement. The methods of guidance and discipline used shall be positive, consistent, with the developmental needs of the children, and applied with the full knowledge and understanding of the parent.
• We at Heartfelt Childcare Center will never use corporal punishment, hitting, abusive language, ridicule, or harsh humiliating or any other kind of abuse toward a child as a form of punishment.
• Discipline shall not be associated with the behavior of children in regard to rest, toilet training, or food.
• Children shall not be isolated without supervision.
• Discipline shall not be associated with the withholding of emotional responses or stimulation and shall not require the child to remain silent for long periods of time.
• Techniques used to deal with difficult behaviors include positive reinforcement, modeling, ignoring the behavior, choices, time-out, self-selected time-out, prevention, natural consequences, redirection, and discussions.
• If we are unable to correct a negative behavior we will ask the parents to assist us with suggestions for corrective actions. We will not comply with suggestions for corporal punishment or punishments we feel are unacceptable.
Severe pain or discomfort | Sore throat or severe coughing |
Acute diarrhea | Yellow eyes or jaundice skin |
Episodes of acute vomiting | Red Eyes with discharge |
Infected untreated skin patches | Elevated oral temperature of 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit |
Skin rashes lasting longer than 24 hours | Elevated oral temperature of 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit |
Swollen joints | Visibly enlarged lymph nodes |
Stiff neck | Blood in urine |
Once the child is symptom free, with a physician’s note stating that he/she no longer poses a serious health risk to themselves or others, he/she may return to the center.
If a child contracts any of the following diseases, please report it to us immediately. The child MAY NOT return to the center without a doctor’s note stating that he/she presents no risk to himself/herself or others.
Respiratory Illnesses Gastrointestinal Illnesses Contact Illnesses
Chicken Pox Giardia Lamblia* Impetigo
German measles* Hepatitis A* Lice
Hemophilus influenzae* Salmonella* Scabies
Measles* Shigella*
Strep throat
Whooping Cough
*Reportable diseases, as specified in N.J.A.C. 10:122-7 10(a).
If your child is exposed to any communicable disease at the center, you will be notified in writing.
Please be informed that we will hold workshops approximately twice a year, that may discuss any of the below topics:
1. Preventative Health care
2. Mental/Behavioral Health issues
3. Nutrition and Obesity
4. Medication Administration Policies and Procedures
5. Oral Health Practices
6. Communicable Disease Prevention
Heart Felt Childcare LLC, will be conducting safety drills for the wellness of your children. We are state mandated to perform these drills with the children multiple times throughout the year. The required frequencies of drills will be noted below.
Fire Drills:
Your children will be instructed periodically on the appropriate procedures to complete a successful exercise. These routines are only for the preparation in the event of an “Actual Emergency” while in the building.
The Staff of HeartFelt Childcare LLC
1. A non-refundable $50.00 registration fee is required with your application. In addition two weeks security is required to reserve your child’s spot. The security deposit is used for your child’s last two weeks tuition, providing proper advance notification has been given.
2. Tuition is paid weekly and is due each Friday for the following week. A late fee of $20.00 will be added if payment is not received by Monday morning. If tuition is not paid by Wednesday, we will apply your security deposit to your balance and fill your child’s spot.
3. No deductions will be made for absences without a doctor’s note. Our budget is based on a certain number of children since the center spaces are limited in size. Each child enrolled has a reserved place, which cannot be taken by another student. The center expenses continue regardless of whether or not your child is in attendance every day.
4. If you plan an extended vacation you must give advance notification (two weeks) of the dates that the child will not be attending and a return date. There is a limit of a two-week vacation (10 days) per year. These two weeks must be taken in 5-day increments.
5. There will be a $35.00 charge for all returned checks. This payment is due and payable on the following Friday of notification. After the second returned check will no longer accept your checks.
6. All personal belongings must be labeled with your child’s full name.
7. “Heartfelt Childcare Center” reserves the right to dismiss any student for misconduct or destruction of school property. Parents will be notified in writing of any unacceptable behavior. There will be three warnings. If there is no improvement the child will be dismissed. Unacceptable behavior includes but no exclusive to, biting, purposely hurting another child or teacher, not following rules and endangering their own or another students well being.
8. If your child displays any signs of illness you must keep them at home. In the event of fever please keep your child home for at least 24 hours after there is no sign of fever. If your child is sent home from the center due to illness, you must keep them home for at least one day to be sure they are healthy. In the event of prolonged illness or if your child has contracted a contagious disease, please notify us at once. Parents will be notified if reports are received on contagious diseases in order to be aware of the signs.
9. For the well being of your children we request that children are not in attendance for more than 10 hours in one day.
10. If you are withdrawing from our program, you must give 2 weeks notice. If your child does not attend for the last two weeks payment is still expected.
11. A late pick up fee will be charged as follows:
a. Children attending more than 10 hours will be charged an additional $5.00 per half-hour.
b. A late pick up fee is $2.00 per minute after scheduled pick up time.
12. The parent provides breakfast and lunch. If provided by the center there will be a $3.00 per meal charge.
13. The parent provides diapers. If provided by the center there will be a $2.00 per diaper charge.
14. All checks are to be made payable to:
“Heartfelt Childcare Center”
To make all of our lives easier I hope the rules are not overwhelming but clear and concise. If not please ask the director for clarification.
• To be licensed, our center must comply with the Manual of Requirements for ChildCare Centers (the official licensing regulations). The regulations cover such areas as: physical/life safety: staff qualifications, supervision and staff/child ratios; program activities and equipment; health, food and nutrition; rest and sleep requirements; parent/community participation; administration and record keeping requirements; and others.
• Our center must have on the premises a copy of the Manual of Requirements and make it available to interested parents for review. If you would like to review our copy, just ask the director. Parents may secure a copy of the Manual of Requirements for Child Care Centers, for a nominal fee, by writing to the Bureau of Licensing. Division of Youth and Family Services, Licensing Publication Fees, PO Box 18500, Newark, NJ 07191.
• We encourage parents to discuss with us any questions or concerns about the policies and program of the center or the meaning, application or alleged violations of the Manual of Requirements for Child Care Centers. We will be happy to arrange a convenient opportunity for you to review and discuss these matters with us. If you suspect our center may be in violation of licensing standards, you are entitled to report them to the Bureau of Licensing at (609) 292-1021. Of course, we would appreciate your bringing these concerns to our attention, too.
• Our center must have a policy concerning the release of children to parents or people authorized by parents to be responsible for the child. Please discuss with us your plans for your child’s departure from the center.
• Our center must have a policy about dispensing medicine and the management of communicable diseases. Please talk to us about these policies so we can work together to keep children healthy.
• Parents are entitled to review the center’s copy of the Bureau of Licensing’s Inspection/Violation Reports on the center, which are issued after every State licensing inspection of our center. If there is a licensing complaint investigation, you are also entitled to review the Bureau’s Complaint Investigation Summary Report, as well as any letters of enforcement or other actions taken against the center during the current licensing period. Let us know if you wish to review them and we will make them available for your review.
• If there is a licensing complaint investigation, you are also entitled to review the Bureau’s Complaint Investigation Summary Report, as well as any letters of enforcement or other actions taken against the center during the current licensing period. Let us know if you wish to review them and we will make them available for your review.
• Our center must cooperate with all DYFS inspection/investigations. DYFS staff may interview both staff members and children.
• Our center must post its written statement of philosophy on child discipline in a prominent location and make a copy of it available to parents upon request. We encourage you to review it and to discuss with us any questions you may have about it.
• Our center must offer parents of enrolled children ample opportunity to participate in and observe the activities of the center. Parent wishing to participate in the activities or operations of the center should discuss their interest with the center director, who can advise them of what opportunities are available.
• Parents of enrolled children may visit our center at any time without having to secure prior approval from the director or any staff member. Please feel free to do so when you can. We welcome visits from our parents.
• Our center must inform parents in advance of every field trip, outing or special event away from the center, and must obtain prior written consent from parent before taking a child on each such trip.
• Anyone who has reasonable cause to believe that an enrolled child has been or is being subjected to any form of hitting, corporal punishment, abusive language, ridicule, harsh, humiliating or frightening treatment, or any other kind of child abuse, neglect, or exploitation by any adult, whether working at the center or not, is required by State law to report the concern immediately to the Division of Youth and Family Services’ Office of Child Abuse Control, Toll Free at : 1-800-792-8610, or to any DYFS District Office. Such reports may be made anonymously.
• Parents may secure information about child abuse and neglect by contacting: Community Education Office, Division of Youth and Family Services, PO Box 717, Trenton, NJ 08625-0717
Up-to-date immunization records and a certificate of good health, signed by a physician, are required at the time your child is admitted and on an annual basis thereafter. (A form will be provided).
After an absence for sickness, children will be readmitted in accordance with the following re-admittance checklist. By state law and absence of more than five days requires a doctor’s statement.
Fever Fever free for 24 hours without use of aspirin or aspirin substitutes.
Diarrhea May return 24 hours after diarrhea has stopped.
Vomiting May return 24 hours after diarrhea has stopped.
Pink Eye May be readmitted after drops has been applied a minimum of 3 times.
Rash May be readmitted with doctor’s note when the rash is gone.
If a child contracts a contagious disease, please report it to us immediately! The child cannot return to the center without a doctor’s note stating that the child is no longer contagious.
It is our wish that all our children stay healthy. Although we understand it is difficult to take off from work, the sooner we contain an illness the fewer children will contract it. With this in mind we ask all our parents to respect our health requirements.
1. We will offer your child a healthy, safe, stimulating environment every day.
2. We will treat your child with kindness and respect.
3. We will listen to your child’s needs and do our best to accommodate them.
4. We will communicate with you about your child’s day.
5. We welcome you to visit at any time and share part of your child’s day.
6. We will notify you immediately if your child is seriously injured or at the end of the day if the injury is not serious.
7. We will encourage your child to become a secure, emotionally stable, social human being.
8. We will never touch your child in anger or humiliate or degrade your child.
9. We will treat your child as if they were our own.
10. We will make every effort to make you feel welcome and a part of your child’s day. We welcome you to share any talents you have with the children, come and read a book, share a craft, or help at parties. Please feel free to volunteer at any time.
• We at Heartfelt Childcare Center believe in positive reinforcement. The methods of guidance and discipline used shall be positive, consistent, with the developmental needs of the children, and applied with the full knowledge and understanding of the parent.
• We at Heartfelt Childcare Center will never use corporal punishment, hitting, abusive language, ridicule, or harsh humiliating or any other kind of abuse toward a child as a form of punishment.
• Discipline shall not be associated with the behavior of children in regard to rest, toilet training, or food.
• Children shall not be isolated without supervision.
• Discipline shall not be associated with the withholding of emotional responses or stimulation and shall not require the child to remain silent for long periods of time.
• Techniques used to deal with difficult behaviors include positive reinforcement, modeling, ignoring the behavior, choices, time-out, self-selected time-out, prevention, natural consequences, redirection, and discussions.
• If we are unable to correct a negative behavior we will ask the parents to assist us with suggestions for corrective actions. We will not comply with suggestions for corporal punishment or punishments we feel are unacceptable.
Severe pain or discomfort | Sore throat or severe coughing |
Acute diarrhea | Yellow eyes or jaundice skin |
Episodes of acute vomiting | Red Eyes with discharge |
Infected untreated skin patches | Elevated oral temperature of 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit |
Skin rashes lasting longer than 24 hours | Elevated oral temperature of 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit |
Swollen joints | Visibly enlarged lymph nodes |
Stiff neck | Blood in urine |
Once the child is symptom free, with a physician’s note stating that he/she no longer poses a serious health risk to themselves or others, he/she may return to the center.
If a child contracts any of the following diseases, please report it to us immediately. The child MAY NOT return to the center without a doctor’s note stating that he/she presents no risk to himself/herself or others.
Respiratory Illnesses Gastrointestinal Illnesses Contact Illnesses
Chicken Pox Giardia Lamblia* Impetigo
German measles* Hepatitis A* Lice
Hemophilus influenzae* Salmonella* Scabies
Measles* Shigella*
Strep throat
Whooping Cough
*Reportable diseases, as specified in N.J.A.C. 10:122-7 10(a).
If your child is exposed to any communicable disease at the center, you will be notified in writing.
Please be informed that we will hold workshops approximately twice a year, that may discuss any of the below topics:
1. Preventative Health care
2. Mental/Behavioral Health issues
3. Nutrition and Obesity
4. Medication Administration Policies and Procedures
5. Oral Health Practices
6. Communicable Disease Prevention
Heart Felt Childcare LLC, will be conducting safety drills for the wellness of your children. We are state mandated to perform these drills with the children multiple times throughout the year. The required frequencies of drills will be noted below.
Fire Drills:
Your children will be instructed periodically on the appropriate procedures to complete a successful exercise. These routines are only for the preparation in the event of an “Actual Emergency” while in the building.
The Staff of HeartFelt Childcare LLC
© 2023 Heart Felt Child Care Learning Center | Privacy Policy | Powered by Classroom Panda LLC
© 2023 Heart Felt Child Care Academ | Privacy Policy | Powered by Classroom Panda LLC